Sunday, June 5, 2011

Love This

Something Interesting

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Ryan Berg Lecture

For this lecture I came in a little late but I did enjoy this one. He was very fun and funny. He had us interacting during the hold lecture. He talked about how he use to teach here at USF and how he became famous, in a way, I guess. Instead of doing slide shows like most of the visiting artists, he had his own website which I enjoyed a hold lot more then the slides. He showed us a few of his project that he was working on. He did a lot of talking about how when we get out to the real world how the transition is not that hard. He explained how people would give him something and ask him if he create something. Most of his work was video so he showed some of the video for us. He told us that he works for comedy center now, I believe and he showed us a sneak peck at a preview of a show that he was working on the second season. I really like this lecture. It was live. He is in the industry that I would like to be in one day. I am a big fan of video and I would like to take that to the next level along with my photography. My art, I think is more media base instead of art base. He was very nice and very encouraging. He also talked about how he loved teaching and how he might come back for that. I honestly don’t think he will, but you never know. I love to have him as my video teacher.

Michelle Grabner Lecture

This visiting artist lecture was very boring to me. She started off by saying how much is love education. She said that there was two things that really made her do what she does. One is that she is devoted to education and act and all of it forms. And the second one is the relationship in between the make and the act of seeing. She started talking about a few projects that she is working with. The first one that was talked about, and that I remember the most about, was call the Suburban. The Suburban is somewhere in Illinois. The idea behind it was to build an art studio in the Suburban. The Suburban is best know for where housewives are, where kids go to school and where your nearest grocery store is, but it was not known for the created life. She talked about what was important or what was called Suburban to her, like her dog, her kids, and her husbands. And the point of the Suburban is to bring the public to her. So the art studio being there would fill that void. I guess that a good idea, but my only problem is how vulgar art can get sometime. I don’t know if parents would want that near by. She went on to talk about other people project and work. I didn’t like that she decided to show and talk about her work at the very end of her lecture. She kind of rushed though her work and I didn’t like that.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011