Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break Assigment 2

In chapter nine Battenfield is tells us how to structure our day-to-day operations. I do believe that this is something that is really important. You cannot run a business if you cannot structure your operation. Everything would go everywhere and become a big mess. The first thing Battenfield talk about in the chapter is time management. Your artistic imagination may be infinite, but your time is not. You can’t make the day longer then twenty-four hours or a week longer than seven days, although you may have learned how to burn the midnight oil. Since you can’t create more time, you need to learn how to restructure and use it more gracefully (Battenfield). As much as I wish we can make more time, sometimes. I know it’s not possible, so I have to learn how to manage my time. Track your time. Use a notepad, planner, or computer to take notes about what you do every day. Record how you use your time in and out of the studio to provide a complete picture of your activities. Use notations as specific or general as you like: work, sleep, studio, relaxing, commuting, cooking, video gaming, email, web surfing (Battenfield). This part I find pretty interesting. I always try to plan every day out, but I never thought to add sleep and like video gaming. But when you do think about it, those things do take up some time. Well reading I realized that driving can be planned as well. Driving can take up a very large chuck in time. That is one of the things I dislike about driving. Go back and assign each activity category. Work, family, friendship, romance, knowledge, health, finances, self, spiritual, art studio, art business, downtime, etc. part of this exercise is to be honest with yourself about which categories the activity belongs in (Battenfield). The last part of this exercise is to analyze the information. We to add everything together and see which categories have the most time. We need to list the categories in order from most time up top of the list, and then less time in the bottom of the list. At that time we need to analyze the list and see what is up top. We need to make sure that the most important things are up top, if not then we need to make some changes on the list to fix that. The next section that Battenfield talks about in chapter nine is organization. Organizing yourself frees up emotional space and rewards you by making your art life easier and more productive (Battenfield). The very next thing Battenfield talks about I never thought of doing, or I’ve never done before. Getting Help. Battenfield tells us to get help when things start getting out of control. I’ve thought about hiring people to work for me, but I have never thought of them as help. The last thing that Battenfield talks about in this chapter that I believe that was important to me was record keeping. Now that to be is the most important thing in this chapter. I make sure to keep record of everything I do.

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