Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April !, 2010-Rebecca French

Rebecca French and her partner talk about all the work that they had done and are still working on. One of the projects that they talked about was when they were work with a flower shop own. And every time that someone would come and buy some flower they would record them and asked them who they were buying the flowers for and why. The other project that they talked about was when they visited a meat shop owner and observed the people around him and put them in different groups. I really like this project because they came here to finish it and I got to help. They were here for a week and while they were here they spoke with the class and asked a lot of questions about different group that we were in. we had to think outside the box and think of group that we were in that we would not think of them as a group in our lives. I surprised myself by being able to think of several group of people that I didn’t think of as a group in my life. I also got to help them with another project that they are working on right now. They had asked the class to take pictures of sign that had something to say about direction. They wanted signs in the school and also outside the school. I really enjoyed them being here as well as working with them. Thanks a whole lot Ceasar!

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